Understanding Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating Podcast
Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.
Critical Thinking about Anti-Diet Messages
We've come a long way from the relentless diet culture that shoved weight loss down our throats. But here’s the thing: swinging to the extreme of intuitive eating without a solid plan can feel just as chaotic.
Response to Washington Post's "As Obesity Rises, Big Food, and Dietitians Push ‘Anti-Diet’ Advice."
Basically, the gist of the article is that big food companies, like General Mills, are teaming up with anti-diet dieticians to promote what they call "junk food" while discouraging weight loss efforts. Sounds sketchy, right? But here's the thing: this article is missing some crucial nuance.
How To Recover When Everyone Around You Is Dieting
Everyone seems to have an opinion, you've probably encountered unsolicited advice and opinions from well-meaning (or not-so-well-meaning) friends or family. But here's the thing – You are not on a mission to help them see the world the way that you do. You are not on a mission to help them understand intuitive eating and eating disorder recovery.
The Root of Your Emotional Eating
While diagnostic criteria, such as those outlined in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), exist for binge eating disorders, it's crucial to prioritize the individual's subjective experience. There is a limitation when it comes to these medicalized classifications and it’s important to recognize the subjective nature of these issues.
How Anti-Diet Culture Became Like Diet Culture with Jessica Brown
There is no doubt that I disagree with diet culture. But recently I’ve been noticing that a lot of these things that frustrate me with this culture are starting to show up in the anti-diet culture as well. Between the judging, the internal shaming, and the “cult behaviors”, the lines are starting to blur and the cycle we were trying to break has begun to repeat itself.
What To Do When You Feel Stuck with Sondra Kronberg
Feeling stuck isn't exclusive to one area of life; it can strike at any moment. Whether you're battling with your career, your relationships, or, as is often the case, your relationship with food, that suffocating feeling can be all too familiar. If you've ever grappled with issues related to your relationship with food or have felt trapped in various aspects of life, this discussion is going to be a game-changer for you.
What ED People Got Wrong About Science with Dr. A'nna Roby
What do we do with the limitations in nutrition science? Much of the conversation among nutrition scientists, outside the realm of eating disorders, revolves around various fad diets or approaches involving highly processed foods, intermittent fasting, and keto diets, among other trends. But the majority of this evidence may lack comprehensive scientific support.
A Response to “Are We Eating Ourselves to Death?” with Chana Ganz, FNP, RN
This episode is a conversation with family nurse practitioner Chana Ganz in response to an episode of the “Honestly” podcast with Bari Weiss entitled “Are We Eating Ourselves to Death?” We dive into obesity and life expectancy in America, the possible solutions to these problems, and how intuitive eating plays a role. Find more information on disorder eating, eating disorder treatment, and deep work therapy in NYC and Brooklyn on my website.
A Weight Neutral Approach to Diabetes with Glenys Oyston, RDN
This episode is about diabetes. Diabetes is the one condition that everyone seems to agree the only answer is weight loss. But what if that wasn’t the answer? What if there was another way? And what if the intentional weight loss idea was actually more harmful to someone with diabetes?
Glenys Oyston, RDN is a Texas-based Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and body image coach who helps recover from eating and body image issues created by toxic diet culture through the non-diet approach. She was the co-host of the Dietitians Unplugged Podcast and is a co-creator of the Haes-aligned online program, Self-Care for Diabetes.
The Diet-Free Revolution with Alexis Conason, PsyD, CEDS-S
In this episode, we will be unpacking Alexis’s Diet Free Revolution. We talk about incorporating mindfulness (insert eyeball if you feel like it, we’ll talk directly to you soon) and compassion and why they are so important. We’ll talk about some major problems with diet culture, society’s obsession with wellness and thinness, and how you can break free from the ridiculous standards.
Alexis Conason, PsyD, CEDS-S, is a clinical psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist in private practice in New York City. She is the owner of Conason Psychological Services, a Health At Every Size ®-informed group therapy practice specializing in the treatment of binge eating disorder, disordered eating, and body image. She is the founder of The Anti-Diet Plan, a weight-inclusive online mindful eating program and is the author of The Diet-Free Revolution: 10 Steps to Free Yourself from the Diet-Cycle with Mindful Eating and Radical Self-Acceptance (North Atlantic Books, 2021). She was previously a research associate at the New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center in affiliation with Columbia University. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, she is a frequent speaker at conferences, and she has been featured widely as an expert on the topics of mindful eating, body image, and diet culture in the media.
Debunking Diet Myths and Redefining Health with Rachel Goodman RD, CDN
Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Today we are joined with Rachel Goodman, a registered dietitian, nutritionist, entrepreneur, public speaker, and a full-time mom. Who aims to empower women by helping them to stop their binge eating habits, diet restrictions and have a guilt/stress-free relationship with food.
Today Rachel will navigate the realms of intuitive eating. She is walking us through the guidelines that will help us untangle the chains of food restrictions and false diet culture. She also highlights the importance of eating consistently, recognizing hunger fullness cues, and redefining one’s health to achieve a happier lifestyle. Tune in to this new episode and find out more!
Breaking Down Eating Disorder Higher Levels of Care With Catherine Silver, LCSW
Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. Today I teamed up with Catherine Silver, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice who specializes in depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and body image concerns. She was also the previous Senior Team Leader at one of the nation's leading eating disorder treatment centers.
Join the conversation as we talk about higher levels of care. Catherine shares her insight on diet culture, the different care levels, recovery process, eating disorder red flags to consider, and more. Catherine has a knack for breaking ideas down to be really easy to listen to and understand, I hope you will learn from this episode!
Meet Your Host
Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist.
Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.