Understanding Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating Podcast
Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.
How to Understand and Utilize Your Dreams to Maximize Growth with Jennifer Neely, LCSW-R
Ever wondered why some dreams stick around while others vanish like morning mist? Jennifer shares that dreams we remember are like neon signs from our unconscious, emphasizing an underlying conflict. It turns out, that the more significant the conflict, the greater the unconscious's push to deliver the message through vivid dreams.
Meet Your Host
Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist.
Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.