Understanding Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating Podcast
Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.
Parents and Families with Judy Krasna from FEAST
If you ever feel like your child is getting worse or not receiving the right treatment, trust your gut and seek alternatives. Many listeners have requested episodes focused on parents and families dealing with eating disorders. We usually address the issues from the perspective of those struggling or the clinicians working with them. But families need support too, right?
Navigating Parenthood and Eating Disorders with Dina Cohen, MS, RDN, CEDS-C
The unconditional love we have for our families can be incredibly healing, especially for those who have struggled with eating disorders. Parenthood, with its inherent love and acceptance, can serve as a powerful motivator for recovery. Yet, as much as we cherish these moments, we also recognize the challenges they bring, particularly for individuals with eating disorders.
Mothers and Daughters with Judith Ruskay Rabinor Ph.D.
The mother-daughter relationship can be an extremely complicated one, especially as it pertains to eating disorders. How do you make sense of mothers, daughters, and eating disorders, and start to make real change in your life today?
Today, Judith Ruskay Rabinor and I dive into this loaded topic.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
Examining the Harmful Implications of the AAP's Guidelines on Weight Loss Medication and Surgery for Children with Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD-S
The AAP put out new guidelines on obesity and weight loss in children, and they’re horrifying. Today, Jessica Setnick of Understanding Nutrition and Eating Disorder Hope are breaking down why they’re so insane.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
Teens and Eating Disorders with Danielle Swimm
We know that the beginnings of disordered eating very typically start in the teenage years. Eating disorders in adolescent skyrocketed during the pandemic lockdown of 2020. We will discuss why, how social media has contributed, and how to talk to your teen about food, mental health, and therapy, so their relationship with their body image and food is healthy from the start.
How to Raise Intuitive Eaters With Sumner Brooks MPH, RDN, LD, CEDRD
Welcome to another episode of the Understanding Disordered Eating Podcast. In this segment, I speak with Sumner Brooks, a registered dietitian (RDN), mom, and eating disorder specialist who spent 15 years working in nutrition. Her involvement includes providing nutrition therapy for adolescents and adults, public speaking, and pursuing advanced training in trauma-informed, weight-inclusive healthcare.
Today, Sumner shares her knowledge working with clients at all levels of the eating disorder spectrum. Which includes the following: Why she decided to divert into intuitive eating, the journey of writing her book, as well as some tips on how to create a supportive environment that helps support children with their food relationships. I hope that this episode will shed light on your food journey.
Meet Your Host
Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist.
Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.