Understanding Disordered Eating

Disordered Eating Podcast
Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.
The Basics of Health at Every Size
Health at Every Size is a hot topic right now. But what exactly does HAES or HAES-aligned actually mean? Today, I’ll break it down and explain how you can apply the Health at Every Size framework to your life.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
Mothers and Daughters with Judith Ruskay Rabinor Ph.D.
The mother-daughter relationship can be an extremely complicated one, especially as it pertains to eating disorders. How do you make sense of mothers, daughters, and eating disorders, and start to make real change in your life today?
Today, Judith Ruskay Rabinor and I dive into this loaded topic.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
The Best Advice You’ll Ever Get
Food and health advice is never universal or one-size-fits-all.
How many of you have searched online for “how to be healthy” or “tips to lose weight”? So many of us have fallen into this trap. Tune in to find out what advice we should listen to, and what advice we should ignore.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
Food and Desire with Dr. Judith Brisman
When you feel like bingeing or restricting “just happens,” how do you begin to uncover how you got there… so you can take steps to make it stop?
Believe it or not, an eating disorder has a purpose. Food and desire can be inextricably connected — and that’s what we’re exploring today with Dr. Judith Brisman.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
Examining the Harmful Implications of the AAP's Guidelines on Weight Loss Medication and Surgery for Children with Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDRD-S
The AAP put out new guidelines on obesity and weight loss in children, and they’re horrifying. Today, Jessica Setnick of Understanding Nutrition and Eating Disorder Hope are breaking down why they’re so insane.
Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.
But What's Wrong With Wanting to Lose Weight?
I get asked ALL the time why I don’t endorse intentional weight loss and dieting. Here, I answer this question and address why trying to lose weight AND heal your relationship with food won’t work. We’ll discuss what “healthy” means, what to do instead of dieting, and how intuitive eating plays a role. Find more information on disordered eating, eating disorder treatment, and deep work therapy in NYC and Brooklyn on my website.
Attachment Styles and Food Relationships with Dr. Sarah Chipps
Dr. Sarah Chipps discusses different attachment styles -- avoidant, anxious, disorganized, and secure -- and how they relate to food relationships and disordered eating. Dr. Chipps has a psychotherapy practice in New York and gives tips on healing your relationship with food.
How your relationship with money and food are connected with Lindsay Bryan-Podvin
Ever feel super calculated about how you use your money? Ever say, I can't have that it's too expensive, even when it really isn't? Ever find yourself spending lots and lots of money on things you can't understand why? As if there was a lapse in judgment for a second? Do you feel anxious about money in general?
I've been talking about how our relationship with food and money are so connected since the dawn of time. Okay, maybe it feels like it to me. But the way we relate to food and the way we interact with money are so similar.
Meet Your Host
Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist.
Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.