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Understanding Disordered Eating


Disordered Eating Podcast



Each week we explore the deeper meaning of our relationship with food and our body. I interview experts in the field of eating disorders and psychoanalysis to bring you the answers about why you do the things you do and bring you one step closer to a healthier relationship with food and yourself.  

Bone Health, Exercise, Disordered Eating Rachelle Heinemann Bone Health, Exercise, Disordered Eating Rachelle Heinemann

Bone Health and Disordered Eating with Dr. Marci Goolsby

Ever needed to get a DEXA scan but not sure what that has to do with your relationship with food?

Join Dr. Marci Goolsby and me for a riveting conversation about bone health, hormones, and the female athlete triad. (Yes, riveting is serious, she's incredibly interesting!)

We'll answer questions like: "Is there such a thing as too much exercise?" and "Is birth control being used in a harmful way?"

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Ultra Processed Food, Food Addiction and Eating Disorders with Dr. David Wiss

David and I have a conversation no one is having in the eating disorder world. To be clear, no one is having because of the protective feelings we have about the ED community and how we understand it to be most helpful to those who are struggling. Me included. I do know that for a lot of ED clinicians, concerns about backlash and fear of being canceled have prevented more open dialogue about the complicated nature of different types of foods.

*If you currently have an active eating disorder and have a lot of rules in your mind, this post may be best for you to read later until you have fewer rules in your mind*

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Secrets, Eating Disorders Rachelle Heinemann Secrets, Eating Disorders Rachelle Heinemann

Secrets and Eating Disorders with Dr. Kathryn Zerbe

Why do people keep secrets?!

The ability to keep secrets is actually a developmental milestone. As humans, we need a sense of our own mind; we all need a sense of privacy. When a child starts to have more of a sense of self, their capacity to keep secrets increases. Secrets are not inherently bad; it is quite a milestone.

The problem becomes when secret keeping is not solely for the purpose of having a bit of space to ourselves. When it becomes obvious to a kid that something bad is happening and they get implicit (or explicit) messages to keep things quiet. When it becomes clear to a child that sharing more of themselves is not welcome. Or, when a teen needs to assert themselves so loudly in order to let others know they’ve individuated when they feel smothered.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Emotional Eating, Binge Eating Rachelle Heinemann Emotional Eating, Binge Eating Rachelle Heinemann

What Do I Do About My Emotional Eating?

Do you feel like you can’t get a hold of your emotional eating? This blog is all about that.

Obviously, your life won’t be immediately changed by reading one blog post. But you can begin to implement steps to work through your emotional eating. You’ll learn practical things to do and, of course, how we can go deeper into understanding where your emotional eating is coming from (my MO, of course, 🙂).

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Medical Complications of Eating Disorders

In today’s episode/post, Dr. Risa Fridy and I discuss the medical complications related to eating disorders. We mainly focus on restrictive eating disorders and purging behaviors and their impact on the body. We also cover how doctors monitor these risks so you’ll know what they’re doing next time you visit the doc. My hope is that this information will empower you to find the right doctor and take significant steps toward recovery.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Veganism and Eating Disorders

Calling all vegans, those in eating disorder recovery, and anyone with ethical or religious eating restrictions!

This blog post is a must-read. Today, we take a deep dive into a conversation that is tailor-made for you. We begin with the complex interplay between veganism and eating disorders. Jen and I identify the difference between restrictions that have everything to do with your eating disorder and that have nothing to do with your eating disorder. We identify what's what and reiterate the idea that each situation needs to be treated as individualized. Note: For those of you who have other ethical and religious restrictions on food, swap the vegan part and insert whatever your restriction may be. A good number of you, I know, keep Kosher (perhaps we should do a more thorough on that 🤔), and this will be really helpful for you, too.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Binge-y Eating Disorder

What is the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating?

To be honest, I don’t care that much about the difference since if someone’s relationship with food is subjectively distressing, that’s enough of a reason to take it seriously. But there are different ways of going about working through ED or disordered eating that make it helpful to differentiate. This episode will cover specifically the "disordered eating" version of binge eating disorder. The high-functioning binge eating disorder, if you will.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Eating Disorder Recovery, Storytelling, Metaphors Rachelle Heinemann Eating Disorder Recovery, Storytelling, Metaphors Rachelle Heinemann

Using Storytelling with Dr. Anita Johnston

Do you love stories? I LOVE stories!

Stories are awesome. Besides being incredibly entertaining, they have the power to be completely transformative. And I mean that literally.

Today, we talk with Dr. Anita Johnston about the impact that stories and metaphors can have on your journey to heal your relationship with food. And we talk about why it works, the neuroscience and psychology of it all.

Anita Johnston, Ph.D., is a Depth Psychologist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, and author of Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationships with Food

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Body Image, orthorexia, Eating Disorder Recovery Rachelle Heinemann Body Image, orthorexia, Eating Disorder Recovery Rachelle Heinemann

When Recovery Isn’t Quite Recovery At All

So what if your journey through your eating disorder recovery isn’t going the way you had thought it would go?

You made huge strides with eating- you eat all the macros, eat way more frequently than you had before, and you challenge yourself with foods, but you still feel obsessive and anxious; you just feel you are not quite there yet.

You feel something is off. For sure, it feels a lot better than before; after all, you are eating and feeling more energized than ever! But completely free from the shackles of your eating disorder?

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Body Image, acceptance, shame Rachelle Heinemann Body Image, acceptance, shame Rachelle Heinemann

How to Accept Your Body

How do you accept your body when you don’t really like your body?

I get this question SO often, and the reason I haven’t addressed it sooner is because there’s really no magic answer to improve body image.

There’s nothing I can say in this post that will revolutionize your body image – but I’m hoping it can help your brain start to think about it a little differently.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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The Basics of Health at Every Size

Health at Every Size is a hot topic right now. But what exactly does HAES or HAES-aligned actually mean? Today, I’ll break it down and explain how you can apply the Health at Every Size framework to your life.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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Mothers and Daughters with Judith Ruskay Rabinor Ph.D.

The mother-daughter relationship can be an extremely complicated one, especially as it pertains to eating disorders. How do you make sense of mothers, daughters, and eating disorders, and start to make real change in your life today?

Today, Judith Ruskay Rabinor and I dive into this loaded topic.

Learn more about eating disorder therapy and treatment in NYC and Brooklyn with Rachelle Heinemann at rachelleheinemann.com.

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About Rachelle Heinemann Therapy - Brooklyn NYC LMHC.png

Meet Your Host

Rachelle is a licensed mental health counselor, eating disorder and analytic therapist. 

Rachelle works with clients in New York City and Brooklyn to make sense of life’s messy emotional experiences.